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The Division Closed Beta rumored to start on January 29


Ubisoft’s The Division is certainly one of the most anticipated games for the coming months. The Division should have launched its Beta last December, but in the end this was delayed until early 2016 and nothing more was heard about it. Today we noted a conversation that might reveal the date of commencement of this Beta coming this month.

The Division Closed Beta Conversation with Funstock Digital

Today we noted a possible release date for the Beta of The Division game we have been waiting since last December. In this publication a conversation was echoed on the Reddit where a member of FunStock digital reveals the launch date of the Beta when asked if they have any plans to acquire keys to it.

In this regard, FunStock responded by saying that the closed beta will start on January 29th. When asked if this information can be confirmed, they said that they will receive the keys from the distributor. So it is understood that the source of this leak has a solid foundation and would come from these official distributors.

“The closed beta starts on January 29th. We will be receiving and distributing the keys in the next 2 weeks before the beta begins.”

Now we just have to wait and see if developments in the coming weeks happen and Ubisoft finally reveals the details of the expected Beta of The Division. This new title from Ubisoft will hit stores this March 8.