Star Wars Battlefront Outer Rim DLC Release Date and Price Revealed
The Outer Rim DLC for the Star Wars Battlefront will be available on April 5. Players can expect new characters, maps, weapons and a new game mode.
Initially the Outer Rim addition was scheduled for 22 March. With the Outer Rim in the game there will be four maps, two new characters, new weapons and a new game mode. Now you can fight the enemies in the factories of Sullust and battle within Jabba the Hutt’s palace on Tatooine.
As for the new weapons, players can try out the Relby V-10 rifle and the blaster gun DT-12, as well as the Star Cards that feature the Scatter Gun, Dioxis Grenade, and Adrenaline Stim. There will be also new heroes available: Sullustan rebel Nien Nunb and Rodian bounty hunter Greedo.
And in the new game mode, Extraction, it is based on capture-the-flag type mode in which rebels need to evacuate valuable resources to the ship, while the empire will try to prevent it.
The Outer Rim can be purchased for $15, players who have purchased the Season Pass of this game priced at $50 will get this dlc absolutely for free.
The Outer Rim DLC will be available on the PlayStation 4, Xbox One and PC this April 5.