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Rise of the Tomb Raider and Far Cry Primal will be protected by Denuvo DRM


We recently learn that Denuvo, the effective implementation of anti-piracy solution in several PC games, will be used for future games from Ubisoft and Square Enix, namely Far Cry Primal and Rise of the Tomb Raider.

Far Cry Primal Images
Far Cry Primal Images

After some discussions a few weeks ago in many news coverage, the DRM Denuvo clearly gives a headache to hackers, since it is not impossible to hack the latest PC games that use this copy protection solution. Just Cause 3 is the one title which is protected through this technology, so much so that the pirate teams are about to throw out in the towel.

We learned the next few games that use Denuvo, starts with Far Cry Primal. In its end-user license agreement – released on Steam – it is stressed that “the product is protected by Digital Rights Management Software and Anti-Piracy Solution Denuvo”.

It is stated that the installation of software may “limit the number of installations of the Product” and more intriguing, “it is possible that some files of the Anti-Piracy Solution remains even after uninstalling the Product from your computer.”

About Rise of the Tomb Raider, Square Enix intends to propose the same solution for Just Cause 3. A screenshot posted on Reddit shows the new adventures of Lara Croft with the support site of Codefusion, including domain name that belongs to the society of Denuvo.

The tendency of the systematic choices and the technology of Denuvo is increasingly present on the side of video game publishers on PC.