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Mirror’s Edge Catalyst Release Date delayed to May 2016 on PC and Gaming Consoles


The development studio DICE has recently said the next installment of Mirror’s Edge pane will see its release date postponed by a few months. The usual reason given is: the need for more time to polish the game.

Mirror's Edge Catalyst
Mirror’s Edge Catalyst

After a rather original and pleasant to handle Mirror’s Edge, EA had left the license in silence for a few years, especially due to disappointing commercial success. The development studio DICE is working on a rewrite of the franchise, called for the occasion Mirror’s Edge Catalyst. While we had learned the release date of this game to February 25, 2016 wedged under E3 2015, DICE announced a deferral is required. Indeed, Mirror’s Edge Catalyst output is now seated at May 24, 2016, almost three months later.

The studio has cracked a post on the official website of the game, to emphasize that some additional development time is required to finalize certain details in the title. “So we’ve made the decision to bring Mirror’s Edge to the world starting May 24, 2016. We will use these few extra months to make sure that when you step into the massive City of Glass and experience the rise of Faith, it’s as entertaining, impressive, and memorable as it can be” they have written on their blog.

For fans of the premiere hour, the extra time is not necessarily bad news if the result turns out to be at the height of their hopes.