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Gearbox teases for an announcement on Dec 1

The head of Gearbox Software, Randy Pitchford, said in recent days that is on the next 1st of December there will be an important announcement related to the company.


Through Twitter, Pitchford commented that a clueless customer sent him to Gearbox with an email full of rage about the problems of the qualifying games in Gears of War 4. In this situation, a fan told him that “A Duke Nukem/Gears of War crossover would be pretty badass”; to which Pitchford replied “On December 1st, we are announcing something you might really enjoy.”

The message of the head of Gearbox is very puzzling, because there are many possibilities. The fans of the studio are expecting a new title of Borderlands which Pitchford has already spoken previously or maybe something less exciting, as an update of Battleborn.

We must also remember that the studio has the rights to Alien, and after the success in critics of Alien Isolation, maybe they are preparing something in the occasion of Alien: Covenant, a film debuting next year.

There are many options, since the return of Duke Nukem – apart from the newly released Duke Nukem 3D: 20th Anniversary – to a new IP. Anything can happen, what do you think?

Finally, we must consider that December 1 is the day that will take place The Game Awards 2016, so this could be the perfect event for Gearbox to make the disclosure.