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Death Stranding New Trailer Shows Heartman in Action


The launch of Death Stranding is approaching – despite the fact that there are still more than three months left for this one -, and it seems that Hideo Kojima might intend to gradually introduce his different characters through custom trailers. This is the impression that leaves us, at least, the last video shared for the launch, which looks neither more nor less than Heartman, played by Nicolas Winding Refn. 

Below you can see the trailer in question, which is accompanied by the presence of Norman Reedus in his role as Sam, the protagonist of the story:

As we can see, even the new samples of the game continue to come plagued with mysticism, because in an interesting last twist of the presentation we discover that, according to Heartman himself, although his body is present he is actually already dead. We will discover, possibly, as we move through the complex narrative of Death Stranding, and getting hands-on it when the game releases.

We also remember that despite the notable cast of names that have taken part in Death Stranding, the truth is that Hideo Kojima was very close to choosing another great popular character: Keanu Reeves. In this link you can read more about how the Japanese director ended up opting for Mads Mikkelsen.

Death Stranding will release on November 8 on PlayStation 4