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Armello RPG Game Review


Armello is a Digital RPG Board game. We got a chance to test its early access. The game takes you to a journey of Armello Kingdom, ruled by a king and Heroes of different clans rise and fight for the throne. The game is backed by a KickStarter project, developed by League of Geeks. Armello is their debut project. This game came for the first time on iPad and now it is out for Windows, Mac and Linux. Armello is not a very complicated game unless you understand all the elements. It is a mixture of digital fantasy board and a bit of fantasy combat..

Armello RPG Game
Armello RPG Game

Once you start playing and understand the gameplay it gets addictive. The game takes you to a different world ruled by a ruler and the heroes are on their way to write their destiny. The story mode helps you to understand it very well. That is the first thing I would recommend. It also has a multiplayer mode where you can play with your friends. It is a very long game with lots of side quest.

Armello RPG Game Review
Armello RPG Game Review

The game is build with a verity of elements that rely on win and defeat. It is essential to collect the best possible cards for an easy win. It is possible to play the game offline via Story Mode with Bots. That would give you a better understanding. Later you can also play it online and with different players.

Armello RPG Game Review
Armello RPG Game Review

You play with 4 heroes, each with different abilities and power. In the Story Mode you can choose any Hero and other three are controlled by AI. On Multiplayer or Online mode you can let your friends to be a part and assist you. Each Hero has to overcome difficulties, fight with guards, skip traps, etc; and many more stuff. The game has a Card system. Each card comes with its own ability and specialty. And this gives the player a chance to win or defeat on the quest.

Armello RPG Game Review
Armello RPG Game Review

At the end, the Hero has to reach Armello Kingdom, defeat the King and claim the throne. It is not easy as it looks. It would be a terrible journey with bad cards. Each Hero has different abilities and skills that you have to understand before a start. And then you can choose one among them. In Single Player mode the game does not let you to switch from one player to another. Only one is playable while other 3 are controlled by AI. If this option was provided, then I think it would be pretty simple to complete goals.

Armello RPG Game Review
Armello RPG Game Review

Players can move through Action Points (AP). At some point I found myself a bit restricted due to low AP. If you don’t have much you cannot move. You earn this when you get your turn. After you begin your journey you can move one step ahead using one AP and complete quest on the basis of cards you hold. You get this in various quests, fights with other heroes, etc. Armello is nicely designed game with no errors or bugs. Armello is a great treat for eyes. It is not a very high graphics game that demands huge hardware. By putting it on lowest resolution you can play it on a mid range system also. The starting cinematic lags a bit on mid range system. That’s it.

Armello RPG Game Review
Armello RPG Game Review


Armello is suitable for all ages. This game offer you long hours of gameplay with easy control and navigation. It is a successful startup by League of Geeks. The gameplay shows their intensive research and experience. If you are entirely new to RPG games then certain elements will confuse you, but if it’s your favorite, then it can be an interesting one to go for. The game is already available on Steam. Armello is a visual treat to eyes and an amazing RPG game to play this year.

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