Watch Dogs 2 multiplayer features disabled, patch incoming
Watch Dogs 2 will be released only on November 15, however, the title of Ubisoft has already unofficially made its debut in the market, with some users who have managed to get hold of their copy ahead of the time through services like Amazon Prime.
In a note sent to the press, Ubisoft has confirmed that the patch is currently undergoing certification in the Office of Sony and Microsoft, the goal is to make it available by tomorrow, in time for the launch of the game.
Check the statement of Ubisoft below:
During the pre-launch phase of Watch Dogs 2, we discovered an issue tied to the seamless multiplayer feature that caused the game to lag and crash periodically. In order to eliminate that issue at launch and for players to enjoy a smooth game play experience, we have decided to wait to launch the seamless multiplayer feature until the patch that fixes this issue is deployed. The patch is currently in certification by Sony and Xbox.
In the meantime, players can still play the full single-player experience without any concerns and play co-op by inviting friends through the game menu. But that does mean that the Bounty-Hunter mode and other activities that would occur with other outside players who enter your game will be unavailable until the patch is deployed on each platform.
To follow updates on Watch Dogs 2 and follow the status of the seamless multiplayer, please feel free to visit our Watch Dogs 2 Community site.
At present, however, a message appears on the screen of all the players who have managed to put their hand on the title in advance: “There’s currently an issue with the seamless multiplayer feature causing the game to lag and crash periodically. To eliminate that issue, seamless multiplayer is off-line until we are able to fix it.”
The message further states that “You can play co-op by inviting friends through the game menu. The rest of the game should be working properly and we hope you enjoy your experience in the open-world of Watch Dogs 2!”
We know that in the review copies sent to the specialized press, Ubisoft has attached a note stating that the goal is to solve the problem before the official launch of the game. Hoping that the fix may come in the short time that remains.
Remember that Watch Dogs 2 will be released on November 15 for PS4 and Xbox One, and November 29 for PC.