Uncharted 4 Players Receiving Special Message from Sony for Unlocking Platinum Trophy
Getting the platinum trophy from a video game can be very difficult, but very rewarding when you manage to get it. Well, it should be noted that after winning this medal in Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End, you will be granted with a small gift.
Thanks to Reddit user “unique”, we came to know that Sony is sending an email to all those who get the Platinum Trophy in Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End. This includes an image of the game congratulating the player for their efforts and dedication. The image says: “Congrats Treasure Hunter, You have uncovered the treasure of a lifetime. Now make your platinum fortune known”.
This is not the first time that Sony makes this movement, as it had previously given a premium theme to all those who have managed to get the platinum trophy in Bloodborne.
Now did you manage to get the platinum trophy in Uncharted 4?
In related information, we know that, during its debut week, Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End managed to sell 2.7 million copies, an issue which is not surprising, because the game had an excellent performance in the UK and Japan.