The Witness Game from Braid creator Jonathan Blow launches on January 26, 2016 for PS4, PC, and iOS
The Witness is a new game releasing on January 26, 2016. There is a video at the end of this article that will show you a glimpse of this game. The game takes you to an abandoned island. It is a puzzle based game with lots of new level. It has many different locations to explore. It will be releasing on PS4. Players would be able to play it on 60fps at 1080p resolution as well. The video shows beautiful places. There are obstacles in your path that can be removed by solving the puzzle. As you keep on expanding the game offer more and more new challenging mission. The graphics quality is pretty impressive here. There is very little time left for the final release. The final version will be coming with lots of new additions.
On PlayStation Blog you can check out some screenshots of the game. The video below is a kind of short trailer that takes you to different locations, types of puzzles and a very little gameplay. Mostly the game looks like solving a variety of puzzle. These kinds of games are suitable for all ages. With solving puzzle, you can also explore different parts of the island. The release date for this game is confirmed at 26th January, 2016. It is more like a 3D puzzle game with long hours of gameplay. We hope that the game would perform really well after its release and would attract many players.