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The Sims 4 Get Together expansion delayed till December 2015

The Sims 4 Get Together DLC has been delayed now and it will be finally coming in December 2015. This new DLC is the second expansion that will offer some more extra content for the game. The DLC is now set to release on December 8 in North America and on December 10 in Europe. The update was going to release earlier, but due to some reason it is now delayed and will be coming on the said date.

The Sims 4 Get Together expansion pics
The Sims 4 Get Together expansion pics

As per previous news The Sims 4 Get Together expansion was all set to release in the month of November 2015. The DLC brings some new content with extra features in the game. It will add new elements like dancing abilities and DJ in the game. With this you can also create a nightclub for party. As per the DLC description this new update will let you to create more party environment. The game developer has tried making this different.

You can make more new friends in the game and have new experience. The pack introduces a new place Winderburg in the game. This new world offers you a lot of new thing like classic buildings, architecture, etc. The pack is going to add a lot of new things that Sims can do in the game. With having fun, you can also create new clubs or explorer Winderburg for different places. Sims of common interest can join a variety of different clubs; they can meet new personalities and use styles. This also defines their behavior. So this pack would be something very interesting in the game to play.