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The Division’s first two expansions releases early on Xbox One


Microsoft and Ubisoft have announced recently that the first two expansions of Tom Clancy’s The Division, “Underground” and “Survival,” will arrive on Xbox One 30 days before PlayStation 4 and PC. Previously it was anticipated that the DLC of the game would have precedence over the Microsoft console.

The Division First Two Expansion

Ubisoft has finally made it ​​clear on the distribution of the DLCs of Tom Clancy’s The Division, confirming that two of the three paid expansions will be available exclusively on Xbox One this time.

The gaming company said that the first extra adventure, Underground, and the second, Survival, may be purchased on Xbox One thirty days before coming to other platforms.

It is, however, also stated that the third expansion, Last Stand, will rather have no exclusivity, and will arrive simultaneously on all platforms including Xbox One, PC and PlayStation 4. Finally, remember that all the DLC will be included in the Season Pass of the game from Ubisoft.

Tom Clancy’s The Division is already launched at March 8 on PlayStation 4, Xbox One and PC.