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Star Wars Battlefront 2 Confirmed to Release in 2017


After the release of the financial report of Electronic Arts – where we learned the number of sales of Star Wars: Battlefront – the Chief Executive Financial Director of the company confirmed that a Battlefront 2 will be developed.

Star Wars Battlefront Screenshot

While Star Wars Battlefront is available from several months on PS4, Xbox One and PC, today we learned that a new installment is already in preparation for 2017. Indeed, the chief executive of Electronic Arts, Blake Jorgensen took the quarterly results of the company to unveil a schedule outputs of upcoming games from the license of Star Wars.

Blake Jorgensen said during a call to investors that this new title “will have bigger and better worlds”, and includes content “of new films,” without specifying much.

In addition, Electronic Arts plans to release a new Star Wars game every year for the next three or four years. The continuation of Battlefront will be released “in the next year,” but it is unclear whether this means 2017 or the next fiscal year of the company, which already comprise the rest of 2016.

Finally, Jorgensen confirmed that Star Wars action game is made by Visceral Games and through the Motive subsidiary it will be released “in the next year.”

Star Wars: Battlefront, launched in 2015, has elements of all saga of the films: Speeder Bikes can be found on the ice planet of Hoth, and AT-AT walkers on Endor (which only had the two legs in Return of the Jedi). The unexplored planet Sullust is also on the list. Moreover, there are different races and characters with a mix of skills and equipment to face these battlefields, since each player can create their own.

Missions – the version of the game for the single player campaign – were created from classic battles of the series. These segments can be played individually, cooperatively or competitively between two people, including the classic split screen.

Recall that Star Wars: Battlefront is already available for PlayStation 4, Xbox One and PC.