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Shadwen release date set for May 17 on PS4 & PC


The developer Frozenbyte has announced that Shadwen will be available for Sony Playstation 4, Windows PC, OSX and Linux starting this May 17, 2016. On PC, the title will cost EUR 14.55 during the launch period, while later will go to €16.99 for all platforms.

Shadwen Game Screenshot

Frozenbyte has announced that Shadwen will be finally released on PlayStation 4, PC, OSX and Linux on 17 May. The game will be priced at 14.55 euros in support during launch, but once the offer ends it will cost 16.99 euros, which will be its price on all platforms.

Shadwen will have a medieval setting and we are proposed on a mission to try to end the life of a king. During his mission, our protagonist will encounter a young orphan girl named Lily who will accompany us on our trip, and we have to protect her.

The title, like other similar games such as Thief or Dishonored offers great freedom of action, the player can solve missions in different ways which will weigh on his decisions. Frozenbyte emphasizes that the consequences of our actions will be something very important in this adventure.

The game will offer us a wide range of options and possibilities in the form of weapons and ways to interact with the environment – remaining in the shadows, using utensils or traps.

One of the characteristics most emphasized by the Finnish studio is the ability to jump from and to anywhere, and if anything goes wrong, there will be no problems: we can still rewind and find the best option from another point of view