Saint Seiya Soldiers’ Soul downloads soon available on October 6 in North America for PS4, PS3 & PC

Saint Seiya Soldiers’ Soul download is coming on October 6 for PS4, PS3 and for PC. And this will be coming first in North America. The game offers a next generation fighting game. It brings a lot of new this for payers to test out. There are new characters, new area and lot of new things to test out. It has impressive graphics and a next generation fighting system. The game take place in a universe called as Saint Seiya. You can play with your favorite character in the same. This is taken from the chapters of Manga. It is a new Anime series that also has a game version. There is a video at the end of this article that explains a bit more about this gameplay. You can have a look on the same.
Game Description:
Saint Seiya Soldiers’ Soul is an ultra-dynamic fighting game taking place in the legendary universe of Saint Seiya. Follow the thrilling adventures of your favorite characters through all the chapters of the manga, from the Twelve Zodiac Temples to Hades dark kingdom. And for the first time ever, travel to the frozen land of Asgard to defeat Polaris Hilda and her mighty army of God Warriors. The time has come to relive the legend and face the most powerful warriors!
Game Features:
- THE LONG AWAITED RETURN OF SAINT SEIYA: a new anime series and a new video game! Gold saints with God Cloths will join the game’s original mode for the first time.
- BURN YOUR COSMOS ON THE PS4 AND STEAM! The battle to protect Athena arrives on PlayStation 4 and STEAM for the first time. Experience battles in 60fps on PlayStation 4. The game is also available on PlayStation 3.
- THE STORY OF SAINT SEIYA – Follow the storyline from the Twelve Zodiac Temples arc to the battles against Hades as well as other surprises. Relive Saint Seiya’s memorable storyline with beautiful 3D cut scenes.
- IMPROVED GAMEPLAY, COMBOS AND NEW MOVES – Deeper immersion and even more exciting Saint Seiya Cosmo battles with the addition of aerial combos and range variation. Special moves will be enforced, making the game more strategic and exciting!