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Resident Evil 5 for Xbox One and PS4 to Release in late June 2016


Capcom today announced that Resident Evil 5 will come to Xbox One and PlayStation 4 this June 28, 2016 for $19.99 USD.

Resident Evil 5

After a re-mastered version of Resident Evil 6 released on March 29, this time it is Resident Evil 5 that is going to come on PlayStation 4 and Xbox One on June 28.

The game will come with 1080p resolution with frame rate improvements. In addition, Resident Evil 5 will be accompanied with all previously released DLC for the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3, ie, expansions of historic “Lost in Nightmares” and “Desperate Escape”, Versus mode and 4 suits. The title will also include the No Mercy mode, which until now was exclusive to PC.

In addition, Resident Evil 5 will feature The Mercenaries United mode to play it from the beginning, with all characters unlocked. This will be a combination of The Mercenaries and The Mercenaries Reunion mode, which will feature characters and scenarios.

Expected only in digital format with regard to Europe and then Italy, Resident Evil 5 is already available for preorder on Xbox One on Xbox Store pages, while still everything seems silent with regard to the PlayStation Store page.

As you may recall, in February Capcom announced that it would relaunch Resident Evil 4, Resident Evil 5 and Resident Evil 6 for Xbox One and PlayStation 4. The first debut was Resident Evil 6, which arrived on March 6. Meanwhile, Resident Evil 4 will be available in autumn season.