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PS5: SSD Will Be Crucial for Capcom, But Bandai Namco has Doubts

In an interview published in the Japanese magazine Famitsu, the impressions and expectations on PS5 of two important people in the world of video game development are reported. We are talking about the head of the Capcom development division, Jun Takeuchi, and the director of Bandai Namco, Katsuhiro Harada. Both expressed their views on the next-gen console of Sony.

The interview is divided into two parts. In the first part, we find Takeuchi who has worked for famous franchises like Resident Evil and Devil May Cry: he was asked what he thought of the PS5 and if he could improve the action games. Takeuchi responded that, according to current information, the next-generation console has enormous potential and thanks to the high storage speed it is possible to take advantage. It will be easier to showcase Capcom’s skills and technologies, giving more realistic experiences even with the use of virtual reality. Takeuchi, as a simple player, would like to have PS5 more spacious environments and uninterrupted gameplay.

In the second part of the interview, Harada instead claims to be a PC Gamer and that cache memory and solid-state storage remind him of the old Arcade Boards. Reading and writing data on an SSD can exceed the processing performance of the previous hardware, but it is important to have a middle-ware capable of compressing and distributing data optimally. Harada is looking forward to seeing how everything was implemented by Sony. Speaking instead of GPUs, Harada wants to focus more on efficiency and enrich the experience in order to provide total immersion for the player.

We remind you that on PS5 it will be possible to play online with PlayStation 4 owners.

And what did you expect from the PS5? What do you think Capcom will present to the launch of the new console?