PlayStation Now Subscription coming to PlayStation Vita and PlayStation TV today

PlayStation Now is the next happening thing on PlayStation Vita and PlayStation TV because it is coming on these two portable platforms. This also introduces a new kind of subscription where you get a chance to play more than 125 games. So this would be a kind of two good news. At one point you are able to get around 125 plus new games through PlayStation Now and second it is coming on PlayStation Vita and PlayStation TV. So this would be bit nice and great for the players. There is lack of PlayStation Now that makes the platform a bit limited for others. But now having them on PS Vita you can get a lot of games to checkout. The new games include a lot of them and also include many award-winning titles. They are GOW, Dynasty Warrior, ATV, Bomberman, etc.

What you can do is sign-up for a 7 day trial for the PlayStation Now so that you get few bunch of games to test for free. And then you can play them on the basis of the device you have. That would be fast and impressive. Popular titles include God of War III, Dynasty Warriors 8, MX vs. ATV Supercross and Bomberman Ultra. For the month of August you will be getting The Last Guy. So this are the games I think would be worth testing on the different platforms. After that if you think the game is nice you can go for the final version any time.