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Pillars of Eternity Patch 1.04 Beta download now available

After Pillars of Eternity Patch 1.03, a new patch is available now. The version of this Patch is 1.04. This new patch brings better gaming output and few fixes. This is a important patch. The patch is live on Steam. It is not going to bring any new content but some good addition that you can check under the patch log section. It is released to fix two primary issue in the game. The first one is pan camera problem. Users have complained about pan camera through mouse or through keyboard when the game is paused. After adding the patch it will start working. Another thing the patch is going to offer is that you will get an option where you can go for upcoming beta patches. This will be working through Steam Client only. And if you want then you can also ignore those patches.

The patch installation is simple:
· Launch Steam and click on Pillars of Eternity. Right click on that and choose navigate.
· Look for Beta Tap and there type BETAPASSWORD. Then click on check code. You will have a Beta section in the library from where you can test various beta patches which are officially released for the game.

The patch size is estimated around 500MB. It won’t be visible unless you turn on the Beta patch download through the above process. It is not possible to find the direct download of this patch. If you want you have to go through steam only.

Pillars of Eternity Patch 1.04 change logs are given at this address and below:

Items, Spells, and Abilities
· AoE indicators should now properly resize if the caster has a sub 10 Intellect score.
· Fixed an issue with over-time aura spells not applying the correct value on the final tick.
· Knock Down will now correctly be applied for the full duration of the effect.
· Mantle of The Dying Boar will now trigger at 33% Endurance with the effect of 5 Endurance a tick.
· Talisman of the Unconquerable will now give a 1.25 Focus multiplier instead of .25.
· Blooded should trigger properly in all cases now.
· Boar Animal Companion bonus damage should now work as intended.
· Prone Reduction mod should now work correctly.

Quests and Companions
· Fixed Aloth and Kana speaking when they weren’t in the party in one of the last levels.
· Sagani’s fox-specific banters now require the appropriate items in the player inventory.
· Falanroed’s dialogue no longer displays a script node.
· Durance will now properly discuss your dream with you if you’ve already discussed his staff.