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Pillars of Eternity Patch 1.03 download available soon


Pillars of Eternity game has faced a lot of criticization due to its bugs and crashes. And finally a new patch is being released for this game to add more stability. The patch date is not finalized, but it will be available soon. This patch will be adding more stability to the game. The patch is already announced with information on the bug fixes and things it is going to offer. You can find the complete patch details below. With this patch Obsidian is also looking for an appropriate feedback on the patch output. There are still a lot of articles on the web that discuss about issue with the game. And we can expect to get more fixes through the patch. Right now the game developer looks like to be working on the patch and the release for the same is hoped at the end of this week. But yet the final date is not confirmed. So we might have to wait a while for the same.

Complete patch details can be found at this address and below:


Manual Errata: You can view manual errata here:
Save Game Location: Where are my save games?

Are you working on patches? Yes, we’re currently working on patch 1.03, which we hope to release during the week of March 30. We are actively monitoring the Technical Support forum and pulling issues out into our internal bug database.

Redeeming Keys/Rewards: To redeem your keys:

Where are the Novella and Documentary? These items are still being produced. We will announce ETA’s for them in near backer updates very soon.

Cloud saves supported? Yes (across the same OS – they are not compatible across OS’s)
I can’t find my extra content – how do I do that?

Constant hitches and voice over delay: