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Randy Pitchford Confirms No Marketing Deal With Microsoft for Borderlands 3

Last week, a rumor began circulating that Microsoft had reached an agreement with Gearbox Software to have the exclusive marketing rights of Borderlands 3. If this idea had excited you, it is important that you know that it is not real, or at least that is what the development studio assures.

Randy Pitchford, the general manager of Gearbox Software, was notified about the existence of this rumor on Twitter and he did not have to spend much time to deny it. According to the manager, it is an information that has no basis in reality.

“Where are you getting that,” he replied to a fan who mentioned the rumor. “Gearbox signed no such thing with Microsoft. How are these things becoming propagated as fact when there is zero basis in reality,” he declared.

If you missed this rumor, we told you that Microsoft would present titles such as Borderlands 3, Cyberpunk 2077, a new Splinter Cell and The Elder Scrolls IV. In addition, it was noted that the distributor had signed agreements for Xbox One to have the exclusive marketing rights for these anticipated titles. That said, Pitchford’s words make it clear that it is best not to believe this information.

Borderlands 3 is under development by most Gearbox team and is expected to arrive soon. What do you think that Microsoft will present at its E3 2018 conference?