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Marvel’s Avengers Will Not Have Local Co-op

At New York Comic-Con 2019, Marvel Games and Square Enix decided to share new details about Marvel’s Avengers. Among the things we learned is that you will not have an option that allows you to play it with your friends in split-screen mode.

According to reports, the multiplayer of the Crystal Dynamics project Marvel’s Avengers will be exclusively online. This means that if you want to play it with a friend, you both will need to have a console, a copy of the game and a membership to play online.

It was also noted that the cooperative missions will be called War Zone and in it users may participate between 1 and 4 players. The participants of each mission can access it or leave at any time. In case someone leaves the game prematurely, the mission will continue for others.

On another issue, Crystal Dynamics confirmed that its plan is to support the game for many years. As we said, they will be updates that will include new characters, outfits and missions.

In recent news, the length of the Marvel’s Avengers has been confirmed by the Senior Brand Director of Crystal Dynamics, Rich Briggs. You can check how long the duration of the game will be at this link.

Marvel’s Avengers will release on May 15, 2020 on PlayStation 4, Xbox One, PC and Google STADIA.
