League of Legends Patch 5.15 download available soon
League of Legends was released in October 27, 2009 for Windows and Mac OS. This is quite an old game and now it is back in news due to its upcoming patch. The patch version is 5.15. The patch is going to bring a lot of new things in this game and with that it also brings a lot of fixes and enhancements. Below I had provided a link that gives you detailed patch logs. It tells you about the game fixes and offers you a lot of new stuff to go for.
With the character updates the patch also adds some changes to the HUD. This include fonts changes, fixes in Champion stat panel, fixes in Ability bar, fixes in Game stats & info and Scoreboard. Below you can see an extract of the patch logs that is provided on the official site. It shows you the primary bugs fixes with many other things. You can read the full log on the link below.
Bug fixes:
- (Black Market Brawlers) Enchantment: Teleports active effect can no longer be bugged to cast without a cool down
- Rift Scuttle now drops a soul
- Upgrading a trinket no longer resets its cool down (This was fixed in 5.14 but we forgot to document it. Sorry!)
- Using a consumable item no longer temporarily disables Devourer’s effects
- Galio now properly gets assists when shielding allies with W – Bulwark
- Spirit Guard Udyr now plays VO when he kills a Rift Scuttler
- Restored custom E – Shunpo VFX for Sandstorm and Slay Belle Katarina
Read the complete League of Legends Patch 5.15 Logs from here.