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iOS vs Android – App Store gains more in revenue whereas Google Play enjoys increase in app download


Google Play is leading the race for the number of mobile application downloads. The App Store is, however, responsible for generating more revenue.

In its review of the year 2015, latest figures of iOS and Android come from market data research and analytics company App Annie. The mobile application market analyst firm reconfirms that Google Play does better than App Store in downloads number. But it is against the App Store that is in front of turnover generated.

iOS vs Android
iOS vs Android

The novelty is rather on the side of the accentuation of this trend. In Android, Google Play has double the number of downloads which is growing rapidly mainly from so-called emerging countries.

If the rise in Google Play revenue is considered significant, that of the App Store is as much or more. With fewer downloads, the App Store is responsible for 75% of revenue in addition compared to Google Play.

The increase in sales of the App Store has been driven by a dramatic increase judged in China. Besides iOS has enjoyed strong growth in the United States and Japan.

The world podium of Android and iOS applications devotes three most downloaded applications: Facebook, WhatsApp, and Facebook Messenger. Off the podium, another Facebook application, namely Instagram which precedes the Clean Master cleaning application. In terms of income, the global podium consists of Spotify, Line and Pandora Radio.

App Annie is based on an evaluation of a million applications and more than 500,000 users.