God of War Will Take Over 40 Hours To Complete The Game 100%
Cory Barlog, Game Director of God of War, was a special guest on the show Kinda Funny Games and on this occasion he returned to talk about the duration of the game, referring, in particular, the time needed to complete the adventure of Kratos to 100%.
According to Barlog, a member of the development team took 43 hours to complete the game 100%: “One of the systems designers just did his full playthrough to get 100 percent. So that’s literally doing every single thing in the entire game, and he played 43 hours. 43 hours and he knows what to do,” Barlog said.
“He [worked on] a lot of the exploration content and the engagement outside of the core story. So he had not seen a lot of the core story stuff, that part was new to him, so that took a little bit. But everything else, that’s pretty impressive considering he knew what to do,” Barlog continued.
So there are many factors to take into account when it comes to longevity, but now it seems pretty evident that the new God of War will be definitely longer than the previous chapter of the series. To complete the game without chasing all the collectibles, Cory Barlog estimated a duration between 25 and 35 hours.
Recall that God of War will be available in stores from April 20 exclusively on PS4 and PS4 Pro, in recent hours Sony has released a video focused on Trolls and exploratory phases of the new adventure of Kratos. On PS4 Pro two display modes will be available, one favors the resolution while the other will focus on performance.