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Final Fantasy XV will take advantage of PS4 Pro from day one

Square Enix has confirmed that Final Fantasy XV will take advantage of the improved support of the hardware of PlayStation 4 Pro from day one.


Before attending the Tokyo Game Show, the company has shown a trailer of the game running on the specifications of this new model of the Sony console. Among other things, the field of vision seems decidedly increased, with more visible detail in the long run. Below you can see a recording from the event that was made by a Japanese user:

At the Tokyo Game Show the director of the game, Hajime Tabata, has confirmed that Final Fantasy XV will take advantage of improved version of PlayStation 4 Pro from day one. It is not a surprise, since the company already had advanced that it considered these very prominent visual improvements.

Tabata claimed to know the characteristics of the new console, but that it takes time to adjust the games so as to fully exploit them. In any case, since the console will be already available in the market when the game will come and seen the recent postponement to November 29, the team has decided to immediately implement the new features for the PlayStation 4 Pro.

After the last delay, Final Fantasy XV will launch on November 29 on PlayStation 4 and Xbox One. It will have voices in English, French, German and Japanese, and subtitles in Russian, Spanish, Italian, Brazilian Portuguese languages.