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Final Fantasy XV Story will Take 50 hours to complete


A week before the big event on March 31, Hajime Tabata made ​​one last detour through writing to Famitsu as part of a program addressing a variety of topics around Final Fantasy XV.

Final Fantasy XV Screenshot

Among the important points raised by Nova Crystallis, we accept that the director now believes that life-span of the game is around 50 hours for the main quest. Early 2015, Tabata rather felt that the game could end in about 40 hours, but now the adventure seems to have gained density meantime.

The other news involves the implementation of the aircraft, an idea that seems to have its little way since the team now knows how this feature will be integrated into the game, although it will perhaps go through a DLC. The fans of Pampa can also breathe a sigh of satisfaction, the elusive and insupportable Cactuars will be also a part and will be agile enough to dodge the eclipse attack of Noctis.

No surprise at technical side, the goal of the developers is to offer an experience of 30 frames per second stable, which is still not really the case at this stage of the optimization of the game. And it will take a little bit of time if the title will display a resolution of 1080p, at least on PS4, or if concessions are made. Speaking of PS4, a special bundle console or type of a partnership seems expected (Tabata addressing here the Japanese market).

The event Uncovered Final Fantasy XV will be broadcasted live from the Shrine Auditorium in Los Angeles on March 31 at 4am.