Far Cry 4 Overrun DLC download available for Xbox, PlayStation and PC
Ubisoft has announced Far Cry 4 Overrun expansion which is now available for download on PS3, PS4, Xbos One and Xbox 360 consoles. But the update for the PC version will not be available until February 12. Initially this delay for computers appeared to be due to problems detected but this has not been confirmed so we do not know what could be the reason.
Overrun, so called as the new expansion of Far Cry 4, includes numerous improvements and most of them focused to multiplayer. In it, a new PvP mode called Golden Patch, where the team fighting for control of three areas are included. The games have two rounds and the winner of the team will get the most points. This points are added to control the designated area for as long as possible. Among them we can highlight the inclusion of 4 maps that have been specially created for the tactical component that has a greater relevance and both factions are balanced.
A new vehicle will be available, called as Dune Buggy that helps you make more points in the multiplayer mode. Both improvements are specifically dedicated to the pvp between the two factions.
Overrun, the new DLC for Far Cry 4, is now available on PlayStation 3, PlayStation 4, Xbox 360 and Xbox One. PC users, meanwhile, had to wait until today, but now they can also get this DLC in the Season Pass available here.