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Fallout Shelter: Tips and Tricks on how to play this game like a pro on your device


Fallout Shelter is out on Android and iOS device. This game will give you  nice gameplay with impressive graphics. If you are new to this game then it won’t be easy to play it in the start. There are certain tips that can help you to play Fallout Shelter like a pro. You can clear objectives relatively fast and instantly clear levels. So for that, you can just follow the below tips and play this game like a pro.

Fallout Shelter Screenshot
Fallout Shelter Screenshot

Creating Rooms:-  It is essential to figure out how to build up rooms really fast. This is the important aspect of the game. There are also important things that comes under the room construction that holds the Power station and water treatment. So you cannot just ignore the same. You must try checking out the construction part and see what all options you have. You can put dwellers in the power station in case of need.

  • New Rooms are easy to build
  • Expand rooms in case of high population
  • Always leave space for the expansion
  • Build elevator only when needed. It is expensive.
  • Keep enough space between the reactors for maximum power efficiency in Power Plant.

Different Rooms:-

  • Power Generator
  • Nuclear Generator
  • Diner
  • Garden
  • Water Treatment
  • Nuka-Cola Bottler
  • Medbay
  • Science Lab
  • Radio Station

Dwellers:- Dwellers own some skills that lets you to do tasks really fast. And you can find this easily. Just select a Dweller and drag it to a room. You will see certain point coming out. The higher the point you get means the Dweller is more skilled. So that would help you to gain more and more points. Some Dweller will give you zero points so you must avoid moving them and remember to upgrade their skills through the settings icon. You can checkout Dweller statistic and use the most skilled ones.

  • Train the Dwellers for more earning
  • Increase Dwellers stats for better output. You can work on special stats like Strength. There are also other special stats that consist of Perception, Endurance, Charisma, Intelligence, Agility, and Luck.
  • Try to place Dweller to the room where it gives you maximum output. For example Dweller with good Strength works very well in Power plan. Luck for accomplishing task.
  • Keep the Dwellers engaged in work. Those who are unemployed will eat your resources.
  • Once everything settles down use weapons in the storage or give them to Dweller so that they can provide protection. You can keep the weapons in storage room for future usage. This is ideal for defense.
  • Work on Outfit of Dweller in case of high Caps.
  • Add a Guard in the vault for preserving your resources from loot. Upgrade vault door for better security.
  • Medics are also a important part of the game.
  • In case of extra income try to spend on lunch boxes.

Dweller Stats:-

  • Strength – Good in Power plant.
  • Perception – Good in Water treatment plant.
  • Endurance – Good in exploration or production.
  • Charisma – Good in Radio station.
  • Intelligence – Good in medical or science.
  • Agility – Good in diner.
  • Luck – Good for delivery.
  • Tips for Fallout Shelter

Task:- All games have different levels and objectives that leads you to the next chapter. In this game you will get ample of objectives also. When you keep on completing them one by one you will be moved further and with that you will also gain certain points. So you have to keep a close track on all the objectives of the game. Good earning also brings a lot of goodies in the game like free lunch.

Get more Money:- The game has its internal money system called as Caps. You get this after completing objective and this can be used for variety of purpose. So try to get more and more caps whenever possible and this can done by checking out the next objective. You can use this later on to upgrade different things in this game. Also check that you are not spending too much Caps on a single thing.

Babies:- There are different rooms in the game such as Power Station, Water Treatmenet, etc; where you need Dwellers to work. If you are having low population then you cannot use them to get more Caps. And over-populating will cause issues in this game. So you can start with creating a standard amount of population and then posting them in different places to work. You can increase the population through Babies. But try to keep a control on the same.

  • Put opposite sex dwellers in the same quarter. Keep them till you get babies. Avoid relatives here.
  • Use a few of them in the start for babies. More babies means more population and impact on resources.