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Evolve Patch 1.1 Xbox One download available now


Evolve Patch 1.1 is announced for Xbox one that brings various fixes and game stability also. The patch is live for Xbox . if you had not yet found the patch you can try looking on the game library. Turtle Rock the game developer with 2K games has announced the patch which his developed to fix various save game related problem. This also include a instant fix for lost of game progress. As per the official launch announcement, the patch will fix the lost progress problem that many gamers are facing while playing Evolve. It was reported in last few months and after a while this patch is out in the market. Save game is a spate issue which is limited to Xbox One only. It is not affecting many players. But a few of them are complain that they lost their save game files. The patch was developed on priority based and now it is released for the gamers. The patch will be available n auto download. That means you don’t really have to for a manual download option.

Once it is out you will get this updated directly in the game. Change log offer you glimpse of thing the patch is going to offer. Also there was news that in coming time there will be a few more updates which will be bigger than this patch. This new update will offer a better gaming mechanics and a lot more balanced performance. There might be some DLC also. A glimpse that we are able to find, about a new Evolve DLC is that, in this new DLC the gamers will be able to create their own team of 4 hunters each. And they can have their own weapons and skills set. So that this team can deals with bigger monster and win levels. This is going to improve the gameplay capability. There is no leak title information yet. We might have to wait for that.

Patch Details – Source (

  • Fixes issue on Xbox One with progress and save game data lost
  • Fixes issue with shadows/flashlight on Xbox One
  • Incremental improvements to matchmaking, invites, and rejoining on Xbox One
  • Various progression balance changes
  • Fixes issue where more than one class spawns, creating 5-man team