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Dragon Quest VII and Dragon Quest VIII coming to North America in 2016 for 3DS


Nintendo has recently announced the upcoming release of Dragon Quest VII and Dragon Quest VIII in North america, for the 3DS. This will be the first output of the seventh part of the RPG from Square Enix in the west.

The Dragon Quest series is particularly prolific at this time, especially with the release of Dragon Quest Heroes and forecasting Dragon Quest Builders. Meanwhile, Square Enix plans to continue the reissue of the different components of the series on 3DS.

Dragon Quest VII Screenshot
Dragon Quest VII Screenshot

Nintendo has recently announced on Twitter that Dragon Quest VII and Dragon Quest VIII: Journey of the Cursed King will be marketed in North America in 2016.

If Dragon Quest VIII has already benefited from a localized edition of PS2 a few years ago, the seventh aspect, originally released for the PlayStation, has never benefited from the North America release date. The error will be corrected next year, with a location of the texts at the same time.