Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2 New Trailer “Anime Expo” Released
Bandai Namco presents a new trailer for Dragon Ball XenoVerse 2, a game that will come to PC, PS4 and Xbox One at the end of October.
Bandai Namco has released a new trailer for Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2, in connection, which confirmed two important novelties.
In Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2 the players can create their own characters, they will be free, which will take part in the giant struggles. The game received a new trailer, which not only looks pretty, but confirmed two options, which have long been waited by the fans.
The game will resume the premise of its predecessor to take advantage to protect the history of the universe of Dragon Ball to be threatened. This allows you to relive some of the most exciting bouts in the history of the series and open the field to all kinds of struggles outside the traditional canon.
The news is not over, as the Japanese manufacturer also said that DJ Steve Aoki will take the responsibility to remix the famous songs about their perfection to the world of the fantastic series of Dragon Ball Z, among which we find: “Cha-La Head-Cha-La” and “We gotta power” and in order not to miss anything Steve Aoki will appear within Xenoverse 2 as NPC with players who will interact in Conton city.
Dragon Ball XenoVerse 2 will be launched on October 28 in Europe for PC, Xbox One and PlayStation 4.