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Destiny Patch 1.2.0 download available within a week


One Reddit user named “Quinonvocabitur” has found out some details about Destiny patch 1.2.0 that was expected to come before the release of the “House of Wolves” DLC. As per the sources, the expansion will release this May 19 but according to “Quinonvocabitur” Destiny patch 1.2.0 will soon release within a week for the gaming console.

Some details for this new patch was already shared by Bungie and what we can expect from it, but as per the reddit user, additional hidden patch notes was listed in the official Bungie website that can be seen at this address and below:

  • The spawn locking issue currently affecting Iron Banner will be fixed.
  • Legendary items will be added to post-game reward tables for all Crucible activities.
  • Your first match in the daily featured Crucible activity will earn you a new reward package each day.
  • Reputation and Mark gains will double for each completed Crucible match.
  • Etheric Light has a chance of being included in Iron Banner reward packages for Rank 3 and Rank 5.
  • Three maps from The Dark Below DLC will be available to all Crucible players in select playlists (Pantheon, Skyshock and The Cauldron).
  • Fixed a bug where the Hive Disruptor perk on the Black Hammer would interrupt with White Nail.
  • Fixed a bug where a player leaving a game or an occurrence of host migration would result in players being unable to respawn.
  • Fixed a rare bug where if a player were to use a consumable it would reset their ammo.
  • Increased the percent chance to obtain rewards when playing crucible.
  • Players who preform at the top of their team in crucible have a greater chance of rewards as to those at the bottom.
  • Fixed a bug where the time between shots of the Black Hammer to activate White Nail was reduced.
  • Fixed a rare bug where a locked item could not be unlocked.
  • Reduced the amount of total ammo of the perk Double Down when combined with Field Scout.
  • Increased the percent chance of activating the perk Mulligan upon missing a shot.
  • Fixed a bug where players were able to obtain Iron Banner weapons according to the rank of their previous Iron Banner.
  • Changed the description of certain perks to be more fitting with their abilities.
  • Fixed a bug where a player would lose all ammo upon switching special weapons in the crucible.
  • Added reward packages for players who participate in the daily featured crucible activity for their first game.
  • Added Crucible maps from The Dark Below to the normal Crucible rotation for Control, Clash, Skirmish and Rumble. (Pantheon, Skyshock and The Cauldron).

The reddit user also mentioned that the patch might release tomorrow, but still there is no official announcement from Bungie yet.