Days Gone for PlayStation 4 will be presented at E3 2017
During a recent livestream on Twitch, the actor Sam Witwer (who lent his voice to the protagonist of Days Gone) has revealed that the new game of Sony Bend will be presented at this E3 2017 in Los Angeles.
There are several titles that Sony is going to show at its conference at E3 2017, then they are almost the most forgotten ones, including the new intellectual property of Days Gone. According to the words of Sam Witwer, the actor who lent his voice to the protagonist of Days Gone, the game will be presented this year at E3 2017.
In accordance to the reports of Witwer, at the American Fair the publisher will show a new trailer and a gameplay video of the Days Gone game, in addition, the actor says that they are also planning other interesting announcements. One of these, of course, could relate to the release date, although at the moment it is only a mere speculation.
For the rest of the game we do not know much more than what emerged almost a year ago, with Bend Studio which maintains strict silence on the progress of the game development.
We just have to wait for E3 2017 in Los Angeles to learn more about the future of Days Gone, remember that the conference of Sony is scheduled for Monday, June 12 at 6 PM PT.
Please note that Days Gone is currently in development at Bend Studio exclusively for PlayStation 4.