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Control Guide: How to Unlock Levitate Ability


In many trailers of Control, you might have seen the protagonist of the game, Jesse Faden, levitating to kill the enemies or moving from one area to the other. It is definitely one of the coolest and unique abilities found in any game. However, you will not be able to use the Levitate power in Control just right away from the beginning of the game. So, in this guide, we will tell you how to can unlock the Levitate Ability in Control.

How to unlock Levitate power in Control:

Table of Contents

You will first need to have some patience until you start hovering around the game. The Levitating power in Control is one of the unique ability found in any games yet, so to unlock Levitate in Control you will need to complete the first half of the game, sadly.

To unlock the Levitate ability in Control you will need to complete part of the main story and reach Mission 6 of this game to be precise. So, in this mission, once you reach the Panopticon in the Containment sector, go to the large circular area and proceed further across the bridge and then merge towards the right side. After you have crossed that, take the elevator and go to the fourth floor. Here, just follow the passage that is available and reach the TV Object of Power.

Be ready to fight Salvador (boss fight), the head of security at the FBC in the game. While you are fighting with him, keep in mind to tackle the other enemies shooting at you. Once you have defeated Salvador, just proceed ahead to use Levitate trial to complete the Astral Plane challenge. This way, you will have just unlocked the Levitate ability in Control.

If you want to check out more guides on Control, then just click on this link.