Code Vein Trainer Available Now

PC players will be glad to know that the first Code Vein trainer is now available for their gaming computers. It lets the players to enjoy the game with infinite health, god mode, infinite stamina and more.
This trainer has been created by the modder ‘Fling’ and it features ample of cheats to those players who find the game too hard to play. Aside from infinite health and stamina, the trainer of Code Vein also lets players to use infinite focus, infinite ichor, infinite items, super damage/one hit kill and more. You can check below what all cheat options the Code Vein trainer for PC includes:
“Infinite Health” takes effect when you receive damage; “Infinite Ichor” takes effect when you use skills; “Infinite Items” takes effect when you use items; “Infinite Haze” takes effect when you kill an enemy and gain haze.
“Easy Focus Mode”: When you get hit, you will instantly enter focus mode.
“Infinite Health”, “God Mode”, and focus mode options also work for NPC party members.
“Ignore Upgrade Equipment Requirement”, “Ignore Transform Equipment Requirement”: While activated, you can upgrade/transform equipments even if you don’t have any materials, but if you do have materials, they will be used.
How to enable Code Vein Trainer on your PC:
- First, you will need to download Code Vein Trainer and save it on your desktop. Launch your Code Vein game on your PC.
- After the game starts, pause it from the menu and minimize it and go to the desktop.
- Launch the Trainer in Admin mode and you will notice the status of “CodeVein.exe” running in the trainer. If it is not, close the trainer and relaunch it again in admin mode.
- Once the trainer recognizes that the game is running properly, then you can press the appropriate keys on your keyboard to enable the cheat. For example, press Num 1 key on your keyboard to enable Infinite Health cheat in Code Vein, press Num 2 to enable God Mode/Invulnerable and so on.
You can download the trainer of Code Vein (Fling) by searching it on Google.