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CEO of Nvidia speaks about Switch that will leave everyone speechless

At the CES 2107 event held in Las Vegas, VentureBeat interviewed Jen-Hsun Huang (CEO of NVIDIA), who spoke, among other things, also about Nintendo Switch, speaking of positive words for the new console of the house of Kyoto.

Huang demonstrated enthusiasm when talking about Switch: “Nintendo Switch is a game console. It’s very Nintendo. That entire experience is going to be very Nintendo. The beauty of that company, the craft of that company, the philosophy of that company—they’re myopically, singularly focused on making sure that the gaming experience is amazing, surprising, and safe for young people, for children. Their dedication to their craft, that singular dedication, is quite admirable.”

“When you guys all see Switch, I believe people are going to be blown away, quite frankly. It’s really delightful. But it has nothing to do with AI,” these are the words of the CEO of Nvidia, words certainly not impartial but still interesting.

Nintendo will introduce Switch on January 13 via a live streaming scheduled at 8 p.m. PT/11 p.m. ET (Friday, January 13 at 4 a.m. UK/2 p.m. AET). In a few days we will discover the price, release date and line-up of the new platform of the home of Mario.

What do you think of the declarations Jen-Hsun Huang? Do let us know about your opnion in the comment section below.