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Call of Duty: Black Ops 3 Combat Movement Controls Tips


Call of Duty: Black Ops 3 is going to release in November 6, 2015. This game is going offer next level combat system with upgrade weapons and gameplay. There is a beta access provided to those who had pre-ordered the game. This time there are several new additions in the game that makes it lot more effective and impressive. Like holding the best optimized weapon is not the only thing in the game. You also need to learn the movement so that you can be faster and lethal. The movement system is upgraded in this game offering a better edge to players over others. So it is necessary that you must understand how the movement and gameplay is offering you a lot more competitive edge over others. Below are some tips that are going to help you playing this game more effectively.

Call of Duty: Black Ops 3 Combat Movement Tips:-

Wall Run: – At the time of running you can gain a bit edge over others through running on wall. All you need is to push yourself to the left side of the wall and you are on it and you can run a few steps on the same. Wall running does not means that you can run for long time, you can just take over your opponent or you can dodge an incoming attack on the same. Wall run will help you a lot in escaping an attack.

Thrust Jump: – Jump is very common in the game. Call of Duty: Black Ops 3 is having an additional benefit called as thrust jump. That means you can jump over limit and you can simply dodge major attack through this. The jump in this offer you a very long and high distance cover in seconds. But remember that you won’t get thrust all the time. Use it wisely. Once you use this the thrust meter will get empty and then it will take time to refill.

Power Slide: – Sliding is not very well use at the time of running or when there are too many obstacles. But power slide is something different. You can just run towards a group of enemies and then use power slide and keep shooting. This is best to confuse an opponent. You have to be really fast on this or else you won’t be able to concentrate on the attack. You can use this instantly after a jump.

Call of Duty Black Ops III Screenshot
Call of Duty Black Ops III Screenshot

Unlimited Sprint: – Sprint is best when you want to take cover or when you are charging towards enemies. You can use sprint as much as you want to get a few second gain in your run. If you use this wisely then you can easy dodge attacks and keep your health intact.

Mantle: – Mantle will help you to remain in balance and maintain your pace at the same time. There are maps that will be having obstacles. You can mantle without losing balance and keeping your weapon on the target. This works very well in all direction.

Swimming: – This will help you in some level. You can swim in any direction you want. You can keep the weapon intact and shoot whenever you get a chance. But when you swim slowly you will be losing oxygen. In order to get some air you can use thrust jump here so that you can get out fast, get some air and go back again.