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3 Self Care Tips To Get Through the Holidays

For many people, the holidays are not all twinkling lights and fun with family and friends. Instead, you might struggle for a variety of reasons. For example, you might have a job that is much more demanding during the holiday season, or you may have lost someone close to you and miss them more during the holidays. Whatever the reason you wrestle with the holidays, self-care can be the answer. When you take care of your most important needs, you create more resilience in the face of difficulties. Here are three self-care tips that can make things easier for you. Let’s dive in!

Talk About Your Feelings

Holding in your uncomfortable feelings, grief, or stress only makes things worse. However, it can be hard to find a trusted confidant to speak to about your true feelings. You might be afraid to reach out to a friend or family member because you don’t want to “be a downer.”

However, you might find that your friend or family member is going through similar things themselves, and they might be relieved to have a space to share them. You can help, support, and encourage each other. At Freeway Insurance, we know how important this kind of community can be.

If a friend or family member isn’t a possibility, consider talking to a counselor. Having an impartial person to be a sounding board can be very helpful and make things easier.

Create Time For Your Health

While the holidays are rightly a season of indulgence, that doesn’t mean that you can completely neglect your physical health. Sure, have a cookie, seconds on dinner, or a piece of fudge. But also take time to exercise, even if it’s just walking up and down stairs at work or building a snowman outside.

Because the weather outside is unpleasant in December in much of the United States, we use that as a reason not to move. But the truth is you need exercise to keep your body healthy and your brain happy. Creating time for physical activity helps reduce stress and keeps you from adding physical sluggishness to your holiday struggles.

Find Some Gratitude in Each Day

When things are difficult, it can be easy to lose sight of the many blessings we all have in our lives. Take a few minutes each day to ask yourself, “What would I miss if it were gone?” Making a list in a journal every day helps us to remember the good things.

Gratitude can feel forced or inauthentic at times, especially if you’re grieving. However, focusing on things you’re glad to have or be able to do can make a big difference. Bringing these things to mind each day can help bring light into a tough time.

Get Through the Holidays With (At Least Some) Joy

There’s no doubt that the “joyful time of year” isn’t easy for everyone. However, by creating some space for self-care, you will make it easier than it would otherwise be. You might even find moments of joy that help you embrace the season.

If you’d like help with affordable home insurance or coverage for your car, we’re here to help. Lack of insurance coverage doesn’t have to be a stressor during the holidays. Contact Freeway Insurance today to get a quote!