Battlefield 4 Night Operations DLC and Summer Patch download available now
Battlefield 4 gets two new things this time. The first one is a DLC called as Night Operations and the second one is a Summer Patch. Both are available for download. The patch is going to bring a lot of new improvements in the game. Official patch changelogs are provided below. Below in the patch notes you can see all the general improvements. The logs are pretty long so we had also provided the official source link from where you can get a bit more information on the fixes. Also you can check out the DLC features.
Battlefield 4 Night Operations DLC features:
- Zavod: graveyard shift – Battlefield 4 Night Operations includes the new map Zavod: Graveyard Shift, a night version of Zavod 311. When the old Russian tank factory is shrouded in darkness the tactics change drastically.
- Tactical gameplay – Get a tactical advantage by using night vision scopes, flares and other gadgets to reveal the enemy positions, or by destroying light sources such as lamps.
- Game modes – Zavod: Graveyard Shift supports the following game modes: Conquest, Rush, Obliteration, and the infantry focused game modes Team Death Match, Domination and Gun Master.
Battlefield 4 Summer Patch Notes is given here in details and below:
- Fixed a number of known exploits in the game
- Added the Team balancer (featured) as a default server option for larger modes
- Fixed an issue where players were able to spawn on a squad mate under fire (in combat)
- Removed suppression active check, now only looks at suppression increase as an in combat trigger
- Added the Zavod: Graveyard Shift map
- Added server preset (Standard, Classic, Hardcore) to the deploy screen
- Updated soldier animations to fix the issue where viewing players running backwards would cause leg popping when changing the movement direction slightly between back-left and back-right.
- Added the ability for all unlocks to be used in unranked servers, this applies to weapons and attachments including all premium weapons.
- Soldier Movement: Slowed down side to side from 0.4 -> 0.35 on soldier sidestep to make that movement less jerky
- Fixed an issue with the pillbox featured in Zavod and other levels. Bipods can now be deployed on the window sills of these pillboxes
- Changed max default spotting distance to 200m on night maps
- Fixed an issue where players would randomly take damage and even die from walking on certain staircases or other slanting objects
- Fixed an issue where players took damage from vaulting over objects and landing “hard” incorrectly
- PS3: Various crash fixes based on memory optimization
- ALL CONSOLES: Allow players to leave a squad in game created through the Squad Join feature
- ALL CONSOLES: Added Night Operations Large, Night Operations and Night Operations Infantry quick match selections for the Zavod: Graveyard shift map