Batman Arkham Knight August Free DLC download now available on PlayStation Store for PS4

Batman Arkham Knight has now got a free DLC for PS4 only. This is the August free DLC that you can get from the PlayStation store. The game is out from quite a long time and was criticized for the PC edition. But the console version is working quite well here. The DLC brings up some free content for the game and you also get chance to get more new DLC in the coming time.

This is a region based DLC so there are chances that not all are going to get this. The DLC will hold new story modes, some extra skins and a pre-order access for the upcoming DLC pack for Batman Arkham Knight. So that you can get exclusive DLC before it comes for all on the PlayStation store. The DLC that is out is called as Red Hood story. This one offer players to play Red Hood in the game with a different storyline. And with that there are also more content released that offers Batmobile skin, Batman Beyond Skin, etc.
If you are having a Season Pass then you can get access to the DLC early. The good thing about this DLC is that you can get pre-order early access to the September DLC. That means you can buy this first and later it will be released for all. The September DLC will bring major content to the game. Also there is an ongoing patch for the game that will be coming for PC users soon. This patch is going to add better game output for those who are facing issues with the gameplay.