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Assassin’s Creed Syndicate – Darwin and Dickens Trailer

Assassin’s Creed Syndicate is going to release on October 23, 2015 for PlayStation 4, Xbox One and Microsoft Windows. A new trailer is out that you can see at the end of this article. The trailer offers you a glimpse of Darwin and Dickens and also few highlights about the gameplay. Assassin’s Creed is a very popular game series and each time we get to play an entirely new environment with new characters. This time the game is going to take place in a classic era of London. The year is 1868.

Assassin's Creed Syndicate Darwin and Dickens Pics
Assassin’s Creed Syndicate Darwin and Dickens Pics

Assassin’s Creed Syndicate takes you back in the old times when horse-cart were the only mode of transport. It offers you pretty impressive gameplay revolving around the industrial revolution. This time the game brings two characters to play with. Both characters actively play in a level and you can easily switch from one to another. Among the two primary characters one is a female and another one is a male character called as Jacob Frye. The female character Evie is her twin sister who owns special amenities in stealth. While Jacob is more efficient in close combat. So this time the game would be lot more adventurous and pretty impressive also.

Previously we had only played with one character in Assassins Creed series. And task would get tough at some point. But in Assassin’s Creed Syndicate the two characters will add more strategy towards the gameplay. There will be demo that will come before its release. This demo will let players to test the game and then later on they can go ahead with the full edition. The video at the bottom of this article will offer you some cool features of the demo. You can pre-order the game from the official website of Ubisoft website.